On this day, we visited the Gold Ecological Park and Museum
located in Jinguashi, the northeast coast of Taiwan. At one time, this area was
a booming gold and copper mining town. But like most prosperous mining cities,
it plunged after the minerals were exhausted from the ground. But, in recent
years, this area has become a popular tourist attraction for domestic and
foreign tourists for it historic and environmental education information.
Built during the Japanese colonial period in the 1920s, we
were able to see Four Joined Japanese-style residences.
One of the buildings
that were built was the Crown Prince Chalet. It was created in anticipation of
a visit from the Crown Prince who actually never showed up.
The view of the countryside was just beautiful. The humid, wet weather was a catalysis for the vast growth of trees and plants.
We took a tour of the Benshan Fifth Tunnel.
It was pretty dark in the tunnel and the walking conditions was pretty bad.
Some of the workers in the tunnel.
Getting ready to use some dynamite.
Cover your ears!
Even POWs get a break.
Back to work.
After walking though the tunnel, we entered the museum that had allot more information about the gold mining operation.
Scale model of the mining area
Tiffany getting a feel of the gold
Dr. Peng checking out his weight in gold as Dr. Laurence looks on.
Tea-Pot Mountain
Walking through the market area. These places are very common and very busy in Taiwan.
The view from the restaurant where we had lunch.
After lunch, we went to what is called "Sky Lantern Experience." This is where people receive a four-sided, paper mache balloon that flies away when lit up at the bottom; like a hot-air balloon. On these sky lanterns, you are suppose to write things that you wish for like good health, happiness, etc. Some people write prayers of loved ones that that have lost. I usually wish for the same things...
Here I am about to release my Sky Lantern.
And there it goes
Hopefully, they will come true. Especially the winning lottery ticket.